Wednesday, November 17, 2010

New TV show.

I really ought to update this blog more often. I don't on account the things that i have to do cos t a lot of money. Travel to breweries, drinking beer etc. I really wish that i could though. Anyway I am posting because of a new TV show that is coming to a Discovery Channel near you: Brew Masters. From what I have seen it should make for an interesting view of beer brewing. As well as show off interesting flavorings for beer.

Monday, November 1, 2010

new Laws for Washington?

Here in Washington State (not D.C.) we have two new laws up for a vote. And I am posting this way too late to actually influence the vote, but hey I wanted to speak my mind. The laws in question are initiatives 1100 and 1105, both concern the privatization of Liquor and Spirits sales in the state of Washington (not D.C).
So there is a bit of confusion what Initiatives 1100 and 1105 will do and who backs them. I hope that I can shed some light on the issue, despite the threat of being labeled a no good liberal. A word that I never thought that I would hear associated with liquor laws. However, I digress. when I initially inquired about these initiatives I was told that they would do exactly what they said that they would do. Mandate the privatization of liquor and Spirits sales in the state of Washington (not D.C., there has been some confusion about the two. Some people having assumed that the city of Seattle was located in the capital city of the U.S.)
First lets discuss what the proposed laws do. Then we can talk about who is behind them. You might be surprised. Actually I know that you will be surprised.
According to the pro side, these laws are a good idea. Nay, a great idea. They will presumably bring Washington state out of the dark ages of liquor control laws. Improve convenience, create jobs, lower prices on alcoholic beverages, and at the same time generate more revenue for the state. their main selling point is that the people of Washington state (once again not D.C. which stands for District of Colombia) want this and that it would free the state to focus on enforcement of laws and regulations.
This sound all nice when you look at the serene surface, but underneath its a different story. And this is where the supporters come in. The Washington State Grocer's Assc. The membership to which is only limited to companies that have a grocery business in Washington state. The Washington Wineries Assoc. whom I assume want to be able to make brandy, but membership also includes distributors that operate nation wide. And then there are some nation wide groups that are industry related, mostly on the retail side.
The effect this will have on the Washington state will be simple. They say that it will improve variety and lower prices. However if the laws regarding the separation of producer and retailer are eliminated you will end up with Kroger brand Vodka. Also the excise taxes that are blamed for the "unbearably high" cost of liquor will be eliminated. That will simply put more money in the pokets of the large retail chains that can negotiate better prices with their suppliers. Lets face it. If you were willing to pay $30 for that bottle of rum when the State Liquor store was selling it. you would be just as happy to pay the same amount to a private company.
They argue that this will create jobs. Really? Do they offer proof? According to their initiative a grocery store can sell liquor. There is no evidence that new stores will be opened. And in my humble experience, if you have an existing store and you add a new product line, you simply cross train your employees to handle said product. At best each region will hire one new specialist. However in these economic times it is best to do more with less. Ah that reminds me, with a new regulated product. Liquor, comes new rules, and thus new ways to deal with pesky unionized employees. I'm just saying. Hey if you were on the board of a large retail chain that has to deal with a union, you would understand. So then what does that initiative actually accomplish when passed into law? Improve selection? Maybe, but there are still some prohibition era laws governing the interstate liquor business. It lowers prices and generates money for the state, right? Surely its should, by increasing the locations where I can buy liquor. However, I mostly drink beer, hence the blog. This only eliminates the excise taxes, which means that I would still have to pay the same amount if not more for the sales tax can make up for the shortfall and the state will be required to close down their stores. CLOSE DOWN THEIR STORES! As opposed to say sell them at fair market value. or at least sell the inventory. Nope they will have to take the loss. Honestly I wouldn't mind owning a store like that, despite the nightmare of managing one would entail. Though once again I would prefer to buy it fair and square.
Well what about letting the state focus on enforcement then?
Well that one is a bit tricky see. With every convenience and grocery store being able to sell liquor. ( A large company can get the licenses in bulk so to speak. And a QFC, Safeway etc. which has beer and wine will also get liquor without the customary public review. Not that people care.)
That would mean that the state would need to hire more enforcement officers. on about a third of the budget. Excise taxes are being cut or eliminated, remember? And there will be more locations to audit. Something that existing busines have been complaining about for the past decade. about how unfair it is that they have to be audited be subject to entrapment stile investigations. After all it's not their fault that the kid had a fake id.
Ok, ok, but this will still generate more money in sales tax revenue. Well not really. adding Wine to grocery store isles didn't do much. Not to mention that the retail profit that the state was getting was spent on things like parks, alcohol abuse recovery programs and I think D.A.R.E. ( that last one is unsubstantiated.) Oh...And if the little brochure that my local State Liquor store gave me is accurate, then the State patrol will face big budget cuts. Well its okay i suppose, they are the fuddy duddies that gave me speeding ticket (true) and frown on driving with a beer in your hand (not so much frown as will outright stop and arrest you for it).
Needless to say that this is what the supporters of both initiatives don't want you to know.
As for 1105? Well that one is, by comparison i1100's good twin. It Assumes that the State will sell its Liquor stores by 2012, and hopes that the legislature will pass a new liquor tax on the recommendation of the state Liquor Control Board (LCB for short) that will be collected by the licenced retailers. I don't like this as it also makes the assumption that a new tax will be approved. We have another initiative on the ballot designed to make that very difficult.

Well I hope that I have provided some clarity on what to expect next year. And sincerely hope, that the voters in my state have in fact made the right decision. Be it to approve or reject the two aforementioned initiatives. I can only hope for the best at this time.

I have been thinking that I should learn to brew beer. Maybe I will make something tasty enough ot share with people? I certainly hope so.


Thursday, October 28, 2010

It's been some time since I posted here. I have decided that I should pause this blog until I can refocus on what I am trying to accomplish with it. Not much I can do with a beer blog at this time. However, I will resume once I get a better idea as to what to post about.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

What a week.

So i have been drinking various delicious brews and forgetting to write about them. Needless to say I have rather strong opinions about beer and what it should taste like. For starters, and this is my biggest quibble, beer should not taste like corn flakes! Its that simple. For that reason I prefer the pricier brews, but at least they treat me better. On the plus side I believe that others don't taste beer the same way as I do. Ergo this blog. This is where I get to share my taste, opinion and be told weather i am wrong, misguided or on to something. I would like this to be a good place to talk about this one malted bevarage that we all enjoy. Provided the the aforementioned "we" are of legal drinking age in "our" respective countries. As I am located in Washington state, the Seattle area in particular, I have access to American beers, specifically west coast microbrews. Well the big boys can sell their stuff the world over and thus they don't need to be mentioned. i am very sure that we have all had a Bud.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Pumpkin Ale

As the title suggests this post is about pumpkin ale.
This specific offering was brewed by Seattle's own Pyramid Brewery for Buffalo Bill's Brewery in Hayward, CA.
It is a light amber ale with a tangible flavor of Pumpkin and spice. The end effect being a delightful pumpkin pie like aftertaste to finish a mild light amber ale. This is one of my favorite seasonal offerings for October and i personally look forward to it. Then again I also love the taste of pumpkin as well. All the same if you can get a hold of it, you will not be disappointed.

- Beer Drinker Pursuant

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Welcome to the Beer blog.

Welcome, welcome, welcome. To the first of many posts on this delicious and malted blog. A blog about things malted and delicious. In other words Beer, but, before i get too carried away allow me to give you a brief mission statement and synopsis of what this blog is about.

This blog is intended to help people make an educated choice about the beers they consume. It will contain a series of reviews of various beers tasted by our team.

Oh. And have a happy and safe Oktoberfest!